Myrto Chliova
Myrto Chliova
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Aalto University
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Cited by
Is microcredit a blessing for the poor? A meta-analysis examining development outcomes and contextual considerations
M Chliova, J Brinckmann, N Rosenbusch
Journal of business Venturing 30 (3), 467-487, 2015
Scaling Impact: Template Development and Replication at the Base of the Pyramid
M Chliova, D Ringov
The Academy of Management Perspectives 31 (1), 44-62, 2017
Persistent category ambiguity: The case of social entrepreneurship
M Chliova, J Mair, A Vernis
Organization Studies 41 (7), 1019-1042, 2020
Supporting refugees in entrepreneurship: Prepared for the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
M Chliova, S Farny, V Salmivaara
OECD, 2018
Legitimacy trade-offs in hybrid fields: An illustration through microfinance, impact investing and social entrepreneurship
G Casasnovas, M Chliova
Organizational Hybridity: Perspectives, Processes, Promises, 291-312, 2020
A discourse of virtue: how poor women entrepreneurs justify their activities in the context of moderate Islam
CE Ginting-Carlström, M Chliova
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 35 (1-2), 78-102, 2023
Is microcredit a blessing for the poor? A meta-analysis
M Chliova, J Brinckmann, N Rosenbusch
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 33 (18), 2, 2013
Aprendiendo de las empresas sociales
M Chliova, R Garcia, M Iglesias, C Navarro, E Rodríguez
Barcelona: El Tinte, 2011
The benefits of ambiguity: The emergence of the organizational category of social entrepreneurship
M Chliova, A Vernis
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 14369, 2015
Reacting to criticism: What motivates top leaders to respond substantively to negative social performance feedback?
M Chliova, G Cacciotti, T Kautonen, I Pavez
Journal of Business Research 186, 115005, 2025
Do They Mind the Gap? The Role of Founders in Organizational Pay Dispersion
M Chliova, G Cacciotti, T Kautonen
Business & Society 63 (2), 415-451, 2024
Values-driven organizing
M Chliova, AA Guemuesay, G Kutscher, M Raynard
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 21485, 2020
Entrepreneurship in the service of society: Antecedents and implications
M Chliova
Universitat Ramon Llull, 2015
Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World
M Chliova, A Giridharadas
ORGANIZATION STUDIES 44 (12), 2061-2064, 2023
Media Review: Can elite-driven social change save the world?
M Chliova
Organization Studies 44 (12), 2061-2064, 2023
Building Resilience in Times of Rising Authoritarianism: Civil Society Organizations In Hungary
M Chliova, F Kodeih
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 15068, 2023
Legitimacy Trade-Offs in Hybrid Fields
G Casasnovas, M Chliova
Legitimacy trade-offs in hybrid fields: An illustration through microfinance, impact investing and social entrepreneurship: Organizational hybridity: Perspectives, processes …
GC Cavestany
Organizational hybridity: Perspectives, processes, promises, 291-312, 2020
Does Microcredit Have an Impact on the Lives of the Poor? A Meta-Analysis
M Chliova, J Brinckmann, N Rosenbusch
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 12675, 2013
Aquaphytex Tecnología al servicio del desarrollo; Regionalwert AG Innovación en la cadena de valor agrícola
M Chliova
Aprendiendo de las empresas sociales, 38-47; 60-71, 2012
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