Daniel E Feldman
Daniel E Feldman
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Cited by
The spike-timing dependence of plasticity
DE Feldman
Neuron 75 (4), 556-571, 2012
Synaptic mechanisms for plasticity in neocortex
DE Feldman
Annual review of neuroscience 32 (1), 33-55, 2009
Timing-based LTP and LTD at vertical inputs to layer II/III pyramidal cells in rat barrel cortex
DE Feldman
Neuron 27 (1), 45-56, 2000
Somatosensory integration controlled by dynamic thalamocortical feed-forward inhibition
L Gabernet, SP Jadhav, DE Feldman, M Carandini, M Scanziani
Neuron 48 (2), 315-327, 2005
Map plasticity in somatosensory cortex
DE Feldman, M Brecht
Science 310 (5749), 810-815, 2005
Two coincidence detectors for spike timing-dependent plasticity in somatosensory cortex
VA Bender, KJ Bender, DJ Brasier, DE Feldman
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (16), 4166-4177, 2006
Increased excitation-inhibition ratio stabilizes synapse and circuit excitability in four autism mouse models
MW Antoine, T Langberg, P Schnepel, DE Feldman
neuron 101 (4), 648-661. e4, 2019
Long-term depression induced by sensory deprivation during cortical map plasticity in vivo
CB Allen, T Celikel, DE Feldman
Nature neuroscience 6 (3), 291-299, 2003
Synaptic plasticity at thalamocortical synapses in developing rat somatosensory cortex: LTP, LTD, and silent synapses
DE Feldman, RA Nicoll, RC Malenka
Journal of neurobiology 41 (1), 92-101, 1999
Sparse temporal coding of elementary tactile features during active whisker sensation
SP Jadhav, J Wolfe, DE Feldman
Nature neuroscience 12 (6), 792-800, 2009
Texture coding in the rat whisker system: slip-stick versus differential resonance
J Wolfe, DN Hill, S Pahlavan, PJ Drew, D Kleinfeld, DE Feldman
PLoS biology 6 (8), e215, 2008
Modulation of spike timing by sensory deprivation during induction of cortical map plasticity
T Celikel, VA Szostak, DE Feldman
Nature neuroscience 7 (5), 534-541, 2004
Presynaptic NMDA receptors: newly appreciated roles in cortical synaptic function and plasticity
R Corlew, DJ Brasier, DE Feldman, BD Philpot
The Neuroscientist 14 (6), 609-625, 2008
Long-term depression at thalamocortical synapses in developing rat somatosensory cortex
DE Feldman, RA Nicoll, RC Malenka, JTR Isaac
Neuron 21 (2), 347-357, 1998
Integrating Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity: the current state of the field and future research directions
T Keck, T Toyoizumi, L Chen, B Doiron, DE Feldman, K Fox, W Gerstner, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Spike timing-dependent synaptic depression in the in vivo barrel cortex of the rat
V Jacob, DJ Brasier, I Erchova, D Feldman, DE Shulz
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (6), 1271-1284, 2007
Volitional modulation of optically recorded calcium signals during neuroprosthetic learning
KB Clancy, AC Koralek, RM Costa, DE Feldman, JM Carmena
Nature neuroscience 17 (6), 807-809, 2014
An anatomical basis for visual calibration of the auditory space map in the barn owl’s midbrain
DE Feldman, EI Knudsen
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (17), 6820-6837, 1997
Synaptic basis for developmental plasticity in somatosensory cortex
E Foeller, DE Feldman
Current opinion in neurobiology 14 (1), 89-95, 2004
Synapse-specific expression of functional presynaptic NMDA receptors in rat somatosensory cortex
DJ Brasier, DE Feldman
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (9), 2199-2211, 2008
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Articles 1–20