Xiaoji Xu
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Cited by
Liquid medium annealing for fabricating durable perovskite solar cells with improved reproducibility
N Li, X Niu, L Li, H Wang, Z Huang, Y Zhang, Y Chen, X Zhang, C Zhu, ...
Science 373 (6554), 561-567, 2021
Few-femtosecond plasmon dephasing of a single metallic nanostructure from optical response function reconstruction by interferometric frequency resolved optical gating
A Anderson, KS Deryckx, XG Xu, G Steinmeyer, MB Raschke
Nano letters 10 (7), 2519-2524, 2010
One-dimensional surface phonon polaritons in boron nitride nanotubes
XG Xu, BG Ghamsari, JH Jiang, L Gilburd, GO Andreev, C Zhi, Y Bando, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 1-6, 2014
Femtosecond nanofocusing with full optical waveform control
S Berweger, JM Atkin, XG Xu, RL Olmon, MB Raschke
Nano letters 11 (10), 4309-4313, 2011
Pushing the sample-size limit of infrared vibrational nanospectroscopy: from monolayer toward single molecule sensitivity
XG Xu, M Rang, IM Craig, MB Raschke
The journal of physical chemistry letters 3 (13), 1836-1841, 2012
Nanoscale Simultaneous Chemical and Mechanical Imaging via Peak Force Infrared Microscopy
Le Wang, Haomin Wang, Martin Wagner, Yong Yan, Devon S. Jakob, Xiaoji G. Xu
Science Advances 3, e1700255, 2017
Inducing trained immunity in pro-metastatic macrophages to control tumor metastasis
C Ding, R Shrestha, X Zhu, AE Geller, S Wu, MR Woeste, W Li, H Wang, ...
Nature immunology 24 (2), 239-254, 2023
Scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy with reconstruction of vertical interaction
L Wang, XG Xu
Nature Communications 6 (1), 1-9, 2015
Nanoscale heterogeneous distribution of surface energy at interlayers in organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells
Y Li, J Ding, C Liang, X Zhang, J Zhang, DS Jakob, B Wang, X Li, ...
Joule 5 (12), 3154-3168, 2021
Macrophage activation on “phagocytic synapse” arrays: Spacing of nanoclustered ligands directs TLR1/2 signaling with an intrinsic limit
M Li, H Wang, W Li, XG Xu, Y Yu
Science Advances 6 (49), eabc8482, 2020
Vibrational spectroscopic detection of a single virus by mid-infrared photothermal microscopy
Y Zhang, C Yurdakul, AJ Devaux, L Wang, XG Xu, JH Connor, MS Unlu, ...
Analytical chemistry 93 (8), 4100-4107, 2021
Tomographic and multimodal scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy with peak force tapping mode
H Wang, L Wang, DS Jakob, XG Xu
Nature communications 9 (1), 2005, 2018
Phase controlled homodyne infrared near-field microscopy and spectroscopy reveal inhomogeneity within and among individual boron nitride nanotubes
XG Xu, AE Tanur, GC Walker
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (16), 3348-3354, 2013
Accessing the optical magnetic near-field through Babinet’s principle
HU Yang, RL Olmon, KS Deryckx, XG Xu, HA Bechtel, Y Xu, BA Lail, ...
ACS Photonics 1 (9), 894-899, 2014
Near-field infrared vibrational dynamics and tip-enhanced decoherence
XG Xu, MB Raschke
Nano letters 13 (4), 1588-1595, 2013
Scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy with low-repetition-rate pulsed light source through phase-domain sampling
H Wang, L Wang, XG Xu
Nature communications 7 (1), 1-8, 2016
Pulsed force Kelvin probe force microscopy
DS Jakob, H Wang, XG Xu
ACS nano 14 (4), 4839-4848, 2020
Spectro-mechanical characterizations of kerogen heterogeneity and mechanical properties of source rocks at 6 nm spatial resolution
DS Jakob, L Wang, H Wang, XG Xu
Analytical chemistry 91 (14), 8883-8890, 2019
Mid-infrared polaritonic coupling between boron nitride nanotubes and graphene
XG Xu, JH Jiang, L Gilburd, RG Rensing, KS Burch, C Zhi, Y Bando, ...
ACS nano 8 (11), 11305-11312, 2014
Noise autocorrelation spectroscopy with coherent Raman scattering
XG Xu, SO Konorov, JW Hepburn, V Milner
Nature Physics 4 (2), 125-129, 2008
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