Brooke Bateman
Brooke Bateman
National Audubon Society
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Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change
J VanDerWal, HT Murphy, AS Kutt, GC Perkins, BL Bateman, JJ Perry, ...
Nature climate change 3 (3), 239-243, 2013
The rise of novelty in ecosystems
VC Radeloff, JW Williams, BL Bateman, KD Burke, SK Carter, ...
Ecological Applications 25 (8), 2051-2068, 2015
Appropriateness of full-, partial- and no-dispersal scenarios in climate change impact modelling
BL Bateman, HT Murphy, AE Reside, K Mokany, J VanDerWal
Diversity and Distributions 19 (10), 1224-1234, 2013
Biotic interactions influence the projected distribution of a specialist mammal under climate change
BL Bateman, J VanDerWal, SE Williams, CN Johnson
Diversity and Distributions 18 (9), 861-872, 2012
Nice weather for bettongs: using weather events, not climate means, in species distribution models
BL Bateman, J VanDerWal, CN Johnson
Ecography 35 (4), 306-314, 2012
The pace of past climate change vs. potential bird distributions and land use in the United States
BL Bateman, AM Pidgeon, VC Radeloff, J VanDerWal, WE Thogmartin, ...
Global change biology 22 (3), 1130-1144, 2016
North American birds require mitigation and adaptation to reduce vulnerability to climate change
BL Bateman, C Wilsey, L Taylor, J Wu, GS LeBaron, G Langham
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (8), e242, 2020
Conservation hotspots for marine turtle nesting in the United States based on coastal development
MMPB Fuentes, C Gredzens, BL Bateman, R Boettcher, SA Ceriani, ...
Ecological Applications 26 (8), 2708-2719, 2016
Small-mammal species richness and abundance along a tropical altitudinal gradient: an Australian example
BL Bateman, AS Kutt, EP Vanderduys, JE Kemp
Journal of Tropical Ecology 26 (2), 139-149, 2010
Post-Soviet land-use change effects on large mammals' habitat in European Russia
A Sieber, NV Uvarov, LM Baskin, VC Radeloff, BL Bateman, AB Pankov, ...
Biological Conservation 191, 567-576, 2015
The importance of range edges for an irruptive species during extreme weather events
BL Bateman, AM Pidgeon, VC Radeloff, AJ Allstadt, HR Akçakaya, ...
Landscape Ecology 30 (6), 1095-1110, 2015
Potential breeding distributions of US birds predicted with both short‐term variability and long‐term average climate data
BL Bateman, AM Pidgeon, VC Radeloff, CH Flather, J VanDerWal, ...
Ecological Applications 26 (8), 2720-2731, 2016
Unraveling a century of global change impacts on winter bird distributions in the eastern United States
SP Saunders, TD Meehan, NL Michel, BL Bateman, W DeLuca, JL Deppe, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (7), 2221-2235, 2022
Climate policy action needed to reduce vulnerability of conservation‐reliant grassland birds in North America
C Wilsey, L Taylor, B Bateman, C Jensen, N Michel, A Panjabi, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 1 (4), e21, 2019
Potential adaptability of marine turtles to climate change may be hindered by coastal development in the USA
MMPB Fuentes, AJ Allstadt, SA Ceriani, MH Godfrey, C Gredzens, ...
Regional Environmental Change 20, 1-14, 2020
Risk to North American birds from climate change‐related threats
BL Bateman, L Taylor, C Wilsey, J Wu, GS LeBaron, G Langham
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (8), e243, 2020
Relationship between tropical cyclones and the distribution of sea turtle nesting grounds
MMPB Fuentes, BL Bateman, M Hamann
Journal of Biogeography 38 (10), 1886-1896, 2011
Testing the role of climate change in species decline: is the eastern quoll a victim of a change in the weather?
BA Fancourt, BL Bateman, J VanDerWal, SC Nicol, CE Hawkins, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0129420, 2015
Signals of change in tropical savanna woodland vertebrate fauna 5 years after cessation of livestock grazing
AS Kutt, EP Vanderduys, JJ Perry, GC Perkins, JE Kemp, BL Bateman, ...
Wildlife Research 39 (5), 386-396, 2012
Half‐century winter duck abundance and temperature trends in the Mississippi and Atlantic flyways
TD Meehan, RM Kaminski, GS Lebaron, NL Michel, BL Bateman, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 85 (4), 713-722, 2021
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