Thomas Speck
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Cited by
Dynamical clustering and phase separation in suspensions of self-propelled colloidal particles
I Buttinoni, J Bialké, F Kümmel, H Löwen, C Bechinger, T Speck
Physical Review Letters 110 (23), 238301, 2013
The 2020 motile active matter roadmap
G Gompper, RG Winkler, T Speck, A Solon, C Nardini, F Peruani, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (19), 193001, 2020
Thermodynamics of a colloidal particle in a time-dependent nonharmonic potential
V Blickle, T Speck, L Helden, U Seifert, C Bechinger
Physical review letters 96 (7), 70603, 2006
Microscopic theory for the phase separation of self-propelled repulsive disks
J Bialké, H Löwen, T Speck
Europhysics Letters 103 (3), 30008, 2013
Effective Cahn-Hilliard equation for the phase separation of active Brownian particles
T Speck, J Bialké, AM Menzel, H Löwen
Physical Review Letters 112 (21), 218304, 2014
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem in nonequilibrium steady states
U Seifert, T Speck
Europhysics Letters 89 (1), 10007, 2010
Crystallization in a dense suspension of self-propelled particles
J Bialké, T Speck, H Löwen
Physical Review Letters 108 (16), 168301, 2012
Restoring a fluctuation-dissipation theorem in a nonequilibrium steady state
T Speck, U Seifert
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 74 (3), 391, 2006
Integral fluctuation theorem for the housekeeping heat
T Speck, U Seifert
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (34), L581, 2005
Negative Interfacial Tension in Phase-Separated Active Brownian Particles
J Bialké, JT Siebert, H Löwen, T Speck
Physical Review Letters 115 (9), 098301, 2015
Einstein relation generalized to nonequilibrium
V Blickle, T Speck, C Lutz, U Seifert, C Bechinger
Physical review letters 98 (21), 210601, 2007
Experimental Test of the Fluctuation Theorem for a Driven Two-Level System<? format?> with Time-Dependent Rates
S Schuler, T Speck, C Tietz, J Wrachtrup, U Seifert
Physical review letters 94 (18), 180602, 2005
Self-organization of active particles by quorum sensing rules.
T Bäuerle, A Fischer, T Speck, C Bechinger
Nature communications 9 (1), 3232-3232, 2018
Active colloidal suspensions: Clustering and phase behavior
J Bialké, T Speck, H Löwen
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 407, 367-375, 2015
Stochastic thermodynamics for active matter
T Speck
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 114 (3), 30006, 2016
Dynamical mean-field theory and weakly non-linear analysis for the phase separation of active Brownian particles
T Speck, AM Menzel, J Bialké, H Löwen
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (22), 2015
First-Order Phase Transition in a Model Glass Former: Coupling of Local Structure and Dynamics
T Speck, A Malins, CP Royall
Physical Review Letters 109 (19), 195703, 2012
Measurement of stochastic entropy production
C Tietz, S Schuler, T Speck, U Seifert, J Wrachtrup
Physical review letters 97 (5), 050602, 2006
Critical behavior of active Brownian particles
JT Siebert, F Dittrich, F Schmid, K Binder, T Speck, P Virnau
Physical Review E 98 (3), 030601, 2018
Distribution of work in isothermal nonequilibrium processes
T Speck, U Seifert
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (6 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20