John Quintanilla
John Quintanilla
Professor of Mathematics, University of North Texas
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Efficient measurement of the percolation threshold forfully penetrable discs
J Quintanilla, S Torquato, RM Ziff
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (42), L399, 2000
Asymmetry in the percolation thresholds of fully penetrable disks with two different radii
JA Quintanilla, RM Ziff
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (5 …, 2007
Microstructure and properties of random heterogeneous materials: a review of theoretical results
J Quintanilla
Polymer Engineering & Science 39 (3), 559-585, 1999
Microstructure functions for a model of statistically inhomogeneous random media
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
Physical review E 55 (2), 1558, 1997
Local volume fraction fluctuations in random media
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (7), 2741-2751, 1997
Hydration and percolation at the setting point
GW Scherer, J Zhang, JA Quintanilla, S Torquato
Cement and Concrete Research 42 (5), 665-672, 2012
Clustering properties of d-dimensional overlapping spheres
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
Physical Review E 54 (5), 5331, 1996
Measurement of the percolation threshold for fully penetrable disks of different radii
J Quintanilla
Physical Review E 63 (6), 061108, 2001
Lineal measures of clustering in overlapping particle systems
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
Physical Review E 54 (4), 4027, 1996
Crack formation and propagation in molecular dynamics simulations of polymer liquid crystals
W Brostow, AM Cunha, J Quintanilla, R Simões
Macromolecular theory and simulations 11 (3), 308-314, 2002
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the two-point phase probability function of two-phase random media
JA Quintanilla
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2008
Clustering in a continuum percolation model
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
Advances in applied probability 29 (2), 327-336, 1997
Gaussian random field models of aerogels
J Quintanilla, RF Reidy, BP Gorman, DW Mueller
Journal of applied physics 93 (8), 4584-4589, 2003
New bounds on the elastic moduli of suspensions of spheres
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
Journal of applied physics 77 (9), 4361-4372, 1995
Percolation for a model of statistically inhomogeneous random media
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
The Journal of chemical physics 111 (13), 5947-5954, 1999
Microstructure functions for random media with impenetrable particles
J Quintanilla
Physical Review E 60 (5), 5788, 1999
Local volume fraction fluctuations in periodic heterogeneous media
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
The Journal of chemical physics 110 (6), 3215-3219, 1999
Microstructure and conductivity of hierarchical laminate composites
J Quintanilla, S Torquato
Physical Review E 53 (5), 4368, 1996
Versatility and robustness of Gaussian random fields for modelling random media
JA Quintanilla, JT Chen, RF Reidy, AJ Allen
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 15 (4), S337, 2007
Integration of engineering concepts in freshman calculus
J Quintanilla, N D'Souza, J Liu, R Mirshams
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, 12.938. 1-12.938. 8, 2007
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Articles 1–20