Natalia Soledad Morandeira
Natalia Soledad Morandeira
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Cited by
Mapping shallow lakes in a large South American floodplain: a frequency approach on multitemporal Landsat TM/ETM data
M Borro, N Morandeira, M Salvia, P Minotti, P Perna, P Kandus
Journal of Hydrology 512, 39-52, 2014
Bienes y servicios ecosistémicos de los humedales del Delta del Paraná
P Kandus, N Morandeira, F Schivo
Wetlands International: Fundación Humedales, 32, 2010
Remote sensing of wetlands in South America: status and challenges
P Kandus, PG Minotti, NS Morandeira, R Grimson, G González Trilla, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (4), 993-1016, 2018
Mapping plant functional types in floodplain wetlands: An analysis of C-band polarimetric SAR data from RADARSAT-2
NS Morandeira, F Grings, C Facchinetti, P Kandus
Remote Sensing 8 (3), 174, 2016
Las comunidades vegetales de la sabana del Parque Nacional El Palmar (Argentina)
WB Batista, AG Rolhauser, F Biganzoli, SE Burkart, L Goveto, A Maranta, ...
Darwiniana, nueva serie 2 (1), 5-38, 2014
Multi-scale analysis of environmental constraints on macrophyte distribution, floristic groups and plant diversity in the Lower Paraná River floodplain
NS Morandeira, P Kandus
Aquatic Botany 123, 13-25, 2015
Allometric Scaling of Dry Weight and Leaf Area for Spartina densiflora and Spartina alterniflora in Two Southwest Atlantic Saltmarshes
GG Trilla, MM Borro, NS Morandeira, F Schivo, P Kandus, J Marcovecchio
Journal of Coastal Research 29 (6), 1373-1381, 2013
Plant functional types and trait values in the Paraná River floodplain: Modelling their association with environmental features
NS Morandeira, P Kandus
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 220, 63-73, 2016
An interdisciplinary approach to assess human health risk in an urban environment: a case study in temperate Argentina
NS Morandeira, PS Castesana, MV Cardo, VN Salomone, MV Vadell, ...
Heliyon 5 (10), 2019
Do taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional plant α-and β-diversity reflect environmental patterns in the Lower Paraná River floodplain?
NS Morandeira, P Kandus
Plant Ecology & Diversity 10 (2-3), 153-165, 2017
Assessment of SAR speckle filters in the context of object-based image analysis
NS Morandeira, R Grimson, P Kandus
Remote Sensing Letters 7 (2), 150-159, 2016
Servicios ecosistémicos en la ecorregión del Delta del Paraná: Consideraciones sobre usos y tendencias y criterios para su conservación
P Minotti, C Baigún, P Kandus, R Quintana, M Borro, F Schivo, ...
Estrategias integradas de mitigación y adaptación a cambios globales, 259-272, 2009
Savanna plant community types at El Palmar National Park (Argentina).
WB Batista, AG Rolhauser, F Biganzoli, SE Burkart, L Goveto, A Maranta, ...
Ten simple rules to host an inclusive conference
R Joo, A Sánchez-Tapia, S Mortara, YB Saibene, H Turner, DH Peter, ...
PLoS computational biology 18 (7), e1010164, 2022
The contribution of ALOS/PALSAR-1 multi-temporal data to map permanently and temporarily flooded coastal wetlands
L San Martín, NS Morandeira, R Grimson, M Rajngewerc, EB González, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 41 (4), 1582-1602, 2020
Inventario de Humedales de la Región del Complejo Fluvio-Litoral del Bajo Paraná
P Kandus, P Minotti, N Morandeira, M Gayol
Programa Corredor Azul. Fundación Humedales/Wetlands International y …, 2019
Tipos funcionales de plantas en humedales de la planicie de inundación del Bajo Río Paraná (Entre Ríos, Argentina) y su observación con datos polarimétricos de radar
NS Morandeira
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, 2014
Dynamics of shallow lake cover types in relation to Paraná River flood pulses: assessment with multitemporal Landsat data
MP Gayol, NS Morandeira, P Kandus
Hydrobiologia 833, 9-24, 2019
Freshwater marsh classification in the Lower Paraná River floodplain: an object-based approach on multitemporal X-band COSMO-SkyMed data
R Grimson, NS Morandeira, MP Gayol, P Kandus
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13 (1), 014531-014531, 2019
Comparison of nonlocal means despeckling based on stochastic measures
R Grimson, NS Morandeira, AC Frery
2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS …, 2015
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Articles 1–20