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84 2013 Convergence of Experiment and Theory on the Pure Vibrational Spectrum of M Stanke, D Kędziera, M Molski, S Bubin, M Barysz, L Adamowicz
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40 2010 Accuracy limits on the description of the lowest excitation in the Li atom using explicitly correlated Gaussian basis functions M Stanke, J Komasa, D Kȩdziera, S Bubin, L Adamowicz
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35 2008 Expectation values in spin-averaged Douglas–Kroll and Infinite-order relativistic methods D Kedziera, M Barysz, AJ Sadlej
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35 2004 Modeling the electronic structures of the ground and excited states of the ytterbium atom and the ytterbium dimer: A modern quantum chemistry perspective P Tecmer, K Boguslawski, M Borkowski, PS Żuchowski, D Kędziera
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31 2021 Relativistic corrections to the ground-state energy of the positronium molecule S Bubin, M Stanke, D Kȩdziera, L Adamowicz
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (6), 062504, 2007
31 2007 Darwin and mass-velocity relativistic corrections in non-Born-Oppenheimer variational calculations D Kedziera, M Stanke, S Bubin, M Barysz, L Adamowicz
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27 2021 Lithium electric dipole polarizability M Puchalski, D Kędziera, K Pachucki
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (5), 052518, 2011
26 2011 Three lowest states of calculated with including nuclear motion and relativistic and QED corrections M Stanke, J Komasa, D Kędziera, S Bubin, L Adamowicz
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 062509, 2008
26 2008 Complete relativistic corrections to the pure vibrational non-Born-Oppenheimer energies of M Stanke, D Kędziera, S Bubin, L Adamowicz
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