Mattias Gustavsson
Mattias Gustavsson
Postdoc in Atomic Physics, Yale University
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Realization of an excited, strongly correlated quantum gas phase
E Haller, M Gustavsson, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, R Hart, G Pupillo, HC Nägerl
Science 325 (5945), 1224-1227, 2009
Quantum gas of deeply bound ground state molecules
JG Danzl, E Haller, M Gustavsson, MJ Mark, R Hart, N Bouloufa, O Dulieu, ...
Science 321 (5892), 1062-1066, 2008
An ultracold high-density sample of rovibronic ground-state molecules in an optical lattice
JG Danzl, MJ Mark, E Haller, M Gustavsson, R Hart, J Aldegunde, ...
Nature Physics 6 (4), 265-270, 2010
Control of interaction-induced dephasing of Bloch oscillations
M Gustavsson, E Haller, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, G Rojas-Kopeinig, ...
Physical review letters 100 (8), 080404, 2008
Pinning quantum phase transition for a Luttinger liquid of strongly interacting bosons
E Haller, R Hart, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, L Reichsöllner, M Gustavsson, ...
Nature 466 (7306), 597-600, 2010
Continuous formation of vibronic ground state RbCs molecules via photoassociation
CD Bruzewicz, M Gustavsson, T Shimasaki, D DeMille
New Journal of Physics 16 (2), 023018, 2014
Dark resonances for ground-state transfer of molecular quantum gases
MJ Mark, JG Danzl, E Haller, M Gustavsson, N Bouloufa, O Dulieu, ...
Applied Physics B 95, 219-225, 2009
Interference of interacting matter waves
M Gustavsson, E Haller, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, R Hart, AJ Daley, HC Nägerl
New Journal of Physics 12 (6), 065029, 2010
Deeply bound ultracold molecules in an optical lattice
JG Danzl, MJ Mark, E Haller, M Gustavsson, R Hart, A Liem, H Zellmer, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (5), 055036, 2009
Precision molecular spectroscopy for ground state transfer of molecular quantum gases
JG Danzl, MJ Mark, E Haller, M Gustavsson, N Bouloufa, O Dulieu, ...
Faraday Discussions 142, 283-295, 2009
Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves
MJ Mark, E Haller, JG Danzl, K Lauber, M Gustavsson, HC Nägerl
New Journal of Physics 13 (8), 085008, 2011
A quantum gas with tunable interactions in an optical lattice
M Gustavsson
na, 2008
Ultracold and dense samples of ground-state molecules in lattice potentials
HC Nägerl, MJ Mark, E Haller, M Gustavsson, R Hart, JG Danzl
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 264 (1), 012015, 2011
Continuous Production of Rovibrational Ground State RbCs via Photoassociation
C Bruzewicz, M Gustavsson, T Shimasaki, D DeMille
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 1, 5002, 2012
Photoassociative Spectroscopy of the (2)^ 3pi State in RbCs
C Bruzewicz, M Gustavsson, T Shimasaki, D DeMille
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 1, 1119, 2012
Toward Trapped Ultracold RbCs Molecules in the Absolute Ground State
M Gustavsson, C Bruzewicz, N Gilfoy, S Falke, T Shimasaki, D DeMille
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 1, 1061, 2010
Production of a Quantum Gas of Rovibronic Ground-State Molecules in AN Optical Lattice
JG Danzl, MJ Mark, E Haller, M Gustavsson, R Hart, HC Nägerl
Laser Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the XIX International Conference, 256, 2010
Realization of a Super-Tonks-Girardeau gas with strong attractive interactions
R Hart, E Haller, M Gustavsson, M Mark, J Danzl, G Pupillo, HC Nägerl
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 1, 3001, 2009
A quantum gas of ground state molecules in an optical lattice
J Danzl, M Mark, E Haller, M Gustavsson, R Hart, HC Nägerl
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 1, 1051, 2009
Realization of a Super-Tonks-Girardeau gas with strong attractive interactions
E Haller, M Gustavsson, M Mark, JG Danzl, R Hart, HC Naegerl, G Pupillo
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Articles 1–20