Philippe Martinez
Philippe Martinez
Professeur, Sciences de la Terre, Paléoclimatologie et Paléocéanographie, Université de Bordeaux
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A review of nitrogen isotopic alteration in marine sediments
RS Robinson, M Kienast, A Luiza Albuquerque, M Altabet, S Contreras, ...
Paleoceanography 27 (4), 2012
Saharan wind regimes traced by the Sr–Nd isotopic composition of subtropical Atlantic sediments: last glacial maximum vs today
FE Grousset, M Parra, A Bory, P Martinez, P Bertrand, G Shimmield, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 17 (4-5), 395-409, 1998
Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 C anthropogenic warming and beyond
H Fischer, KJ Meissner, AC Mix, NJ Abram, J Austermann, V Brovkin, ...
Nature geoscience 11 (7), 474-485, 2018
7000 years of paleostorm activity in the NW Mediterranean Sea in response to Holocene climate events
P Sabatier, L Dezileau, C Colin, L Briqueu, F Bouchette, P Martinez, ...
Quaternary Research 77 (1), 1-11, 2012
New Arabian Sea records help decipher orbital timing of Indo-Asian monsoon
T Caley, B Malaizé, S Zaragosi, L Rossignol, J Bourget, F Eynaud, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308 (3-4), 433-444, 2011
Comparative geochemistry of cadmium, rhenium, uranium, and molybdenum in continental margin sediments
BØ Sundby, P Martinez, C Gobeil
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (11), 2485-2493, 2004
The glacial ocean productivity hypothesis: the importance of regional temporal and spatial studies
P Bertrand, G Shimmield, P Martinez, F Grousset, F Jorissen, M Paterne, ...
Marine Geology 130 (1-2), 1-9, 1996
Orbital-scale climate forcing of grassland burning in southern Africa
AL Daniau, MF Sánchez Goñi, P Martinez, DH Urrego, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (13), 5069-5073, 2013
A 1.2 Ma record of glaciation and fluvial discharge from the West European Atlantic margin
S Toucanne, S Zaragosi, JF Bourillet, PL Gibbard, F Eynaud, J Giraudeau, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (25-26), 2974-2981, 2009
A preliminary investigation of the fish food web in the Gironde estuary, France, using dietary and stable isotope analyses
S Pasquaud, P Elie, C Jeantet, I Billy, P Martinez, M Girardin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2), 267-279, 2008
Intensification of the Walker and Hadley atmospheric circulations during the Pliocene–Pleistocene climate transition
J Etourneau, R Schneider, T Blanz, P Martinez
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297 (1-2), 103-110, 2010
Upwelling intensity and ocean productivity changes off Cape Blanc (northwest Africa) during the last 70,000 years: geochemical and micropalaeontological evidence
P Martinez, P Bertrand, GB Shimmield, K Cochrane, FJ Jorissen, J Foster, ...
Marine Geology 158 (1-4), 57-74, 1999
Pliocene–Pleistocene variability of upwelling activity, productivity, and nutrient cycling in the Benguela region
J Etourneau, P Martinez, T Blanz, R Schneider
Geology 37 (10), 871-874, 2009
The acceleration of oceanic denitrification during deglacial warming
ED Galbraith, M Kienast
Nature Geoscience 6 (7), 579-584, 2013
A two-million-year-long hydroclimatic context for hominin evolution in southeastern Africa
T Caley, T Extier, JA Collins, E Schefuß, L Dupont, B Malaizé, L Rossignol, ...
Nature 560 (7716), 76-79, 2018
Intense storm activity during the Little Ice Age on the French Mediterranean coast
L Dezileau, P Sabatier, P Blanchemanche, B Joly, D Swingedouw, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (1-2), 289-297, 2011
Distribution of the organic matter in the channel-levees systems of the Congo mud-rich deep-sea fan (West Africa). Implication for deep offshore petroleum source rocks and …
F Baudin, JR Disnar, P Martinez, B Dennielou
Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (5), 995-1010, 2010
Evidence of ventilation changes in the Arabian Sea during the late Quaternary: Implication for denitrification and nitrous oxide emission
L Pichevin, E Bard, P Martinez, I Billy
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 (4), 2007
Effect of light and feeding on the nitrogen isotopic composition of a zooxanthellate coral: role of nitrogen recycling
S Reynaud, P Martinez, F Houlbrèque, I Billy, D Allemand, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 392, 103-110, 2009
Transport of terrestrial organic matter in the Ogooué deep sea turbidite system (Gabon)
L Biscara, T Mulder, P Martinez, F Baudin, H Etcheber, JM Jouanneau, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (5), 1061-1072, 2011
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Articles 1–20