Ilias Flaounas
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Cited by
Finite-Time Analysis of Kernelised Contextual Bandits
M Valko, N Korda, R Munos, I Flaounas, N Cristianini
Proceedings of the 29nd Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial …, 2013
Research methods in the age of digital journalism: Massive-scale automated analysis of news-content—topics, style and gender
I Flaounas, O Ali, T Lansdall-Welfare, T De Bie, N Mosdell, J Lewis, ...
Digital journalism 1 (1), 102-116, 2013
CycloTRACK (v1. 0)–tracking winter extratropical cyclones based on relative vorticity: sensitivity to data filtering and other relevant parameters
E Flaounas, V Kotroni, K Lagouvardos, I Flaounas
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (4), 1841-1853, 2014
NOAM: news outlets analysis and monitoring system
I Flaounas, O Ali, M Turchi, T Snowsill, F Nicart, T De Bie, N Cristianini
proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2011
Efficient classification of multi-labeled text streams by clashing
R Nanculef, I Flaounas, N Cristianini
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (11), 5431-5450, 2014
Modelling and predicting news popularity
E Hensinger, I Flaounas, N Cristianini
Pattern Analysis and Applications 16, 623-635, 2013
The structure of the EU mediasphere
I Flaounas, M Turchi, O Ali, N Fyson, T De Bie, N Mosdell, J Lewis, ...
PlosONE 5 (12), e14243, 2010
Automating news content analysis: An application to gender bias and readability
O Ali, I Flaounas, T De Bie, N Mosdell, J Lewis, N Cristianini
Workshop on Applications of Pattern Analysis (WAPA). JMLR: Workshop and …, 2010
Study of Radon Transformation and Application of its Inverse to NMR
S Venturas, I Flaounas
Algorithms in Molecular Biology, 2005
Beyond the technical challenges for deploying Machine Learning solutions in a software company
I Flaounas
Human in the Loop Machine Learning Workshop, ICML, 2017
Color texture recognition in video sequences using wavelet covariance features and support vector machines
DK Iakovidis, DE Maroulis, SA Karkanis, IN Flaounas
Proceedings 29th Euromicro Conference, 2003
The right metric for the right stakeholder: a case study of improving product usability
A Friedman, I Flaounas
Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2018
Pattern analysis of news media content
I Flaounas
University of Bristol, 2011
Found in translation
M Turchi, I Flaounas, O Ali, T De Bie, T Snowsill, N Cristianini
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2009
Electionwatch: Detecting patterns in news coverage of us elections
S Sudhahar, T Lansdall-Welfare, I Flaounas, N Cristianini
Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 13th Conference of the European …, 2012
Big Data Analysis of News and Social Media Content
I Flaounas, S Sudhahar, T Lansdall-Welfare, E Hensiger, N Cristianini
Повратено од http://www. see-apattern. org/sites/default/files/Big% 20Data …, 2012
Detecting events in a million New York times articles
T Snowsill, I Flaounas, T De Bie, N Cristianini
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 615-618, 2010
Inference and validation of networks
IN Flaounas, M Turchi, T De Bie, N Cristianini
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2009
Learning the preferences of news readers with svm and lasso ranking
E Hensinger, I Flaounas, N Cristianini
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 6th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2010
On the Evaluation of OLEs Using the HEART Framework
I Flaounas, A Kokkinaki
Ascilite, 668-671, 2015
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Articles 1–20