Marisa Alejandra Bab
Marisa Alejandra Bab
Profesora, Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Investigadora Independiente INIFTA-CONICET
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Study of phase transitions from short-time non-equilibrium behaviour
EV Albano, MA Bab, G Baglietto, RA Borzi, TS Grigera, ES Loscar, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 74 (2), 026501, 2011
Nanocrystalline HfN produced by mechanical milling: Kinetic aspects
MA Bab, L Mendoza-Zélis, LC Damonte
Acta materialia 49 (20), 4205-4213, 2001
Critical behavior of an Ising system on the Sierpinski carpet: A short-time dynamics study
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (3 …, 2005
Nanoclusters of crystallographically aligned nanoparticles for magnetic thermotherapy: aqueous ferrofluid, agarose phantoms and ex vivo melanoma tumour assessment
DF Coral, PA Soto, V Blank, A Veiga, E Spinelli, S Gonzalez, GP Saracco, ...
Nanoscale 10 (45), 21262-21274, 2018
On the occurrence of oscillatory modulations in the power law behavior of dynamic and kinetic processes in fractals
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
Europhysics Letters 81 (1), 10003, 2007
A model for the kinetics of mechanically assisted gas–solid reactions
MA Bab, L Mendoza-Zélis
Scripta materialia 50 (1), 99-104, 2004
Phase transitions and critical phenomena in the two-dimensional Ising model with dipole interactions: A short-time dynamics study
CM Horowitz, MA Bab, M Mazzini, MLR Puzzo, GP Saracco
Physical Review E 92 (4), 042127, 2015
Revisiting random walks in fractal media: On the occurrence of time discrete scale invariance
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (4), 2008
Discrete scale invariance effects in the nonequilibrium critical behavior of the Ising magnet on a fractal substrate
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
Critical exponents of the Ising model on low-dimensional fractal media
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 388 (4), 370-378, 2009
Phase transitions and multicritical behavior in the Ising model with dipolar interactions
MA Bab, CM Horowitz, ML Rubio Puzzo, GP Saracco
Physical Review E 94 (4), 042104, 2016
Random walks in fractal media: a theoretical evaluation of the periodicity of the oscillations in dynamic observables
AL Maltz, G Fabricius, MA Bab, EV Albano
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (49), 495004, 2008
Autocatalytic effects in the mechanically induced hydriding of refractory metals
MA Bab, LA Baum, L Mendoza-Zélis
Physica B: Condensed Matter 389 (1), 193-197, 2007
Evidence of Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transitions in the Ising model with dipolar interactions
MA Bab, GP Saracco
Physical Review E 100 (2), 022143, 2019
On the oscillatory dynamical behaviour of epidemic spreading in fractal media
MA Bab, EV Albano
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (4), 045001, 2008
Effective multidimensional crossover behavior in a one-dimensional voter model with long-range probabilistic interactions
DE Rodriguez, MA Bab, EV Albano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (1 …, 2011
Dynamic behavior of the voter model on fractals: logarithmic-periodic oscillations as a signature of time discrete scale invariance
MA Bab, EV Albano
The European Physical Journal B 63, 521-528, 2008
Study of the nonequilibrium critical quenching and the annealing dynamics for thelong-range Ising model in one dimension
DE Rodriguez, MA Bab, EV Albano
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (09), P09007, 2011
Short range order evolution during the nitrification of IVb metals
L Mendoza-Zélis, MA Bab, LC Damonte, FH Sánchez
Materials Science Forum 312, 179-184, 1999
Aportes desde la extensión para revalorizar la ciencia en las escuelas
AM Abrego, MA Bab, MDR Borrajo, CG Brusasco, SL Cabrera, ...
III Jornadas de Enseñanza e Investigación Educativa en el campo de las …, 2012
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Articles 1–20