David J. Schwab
David J. Schwab
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Assessing and addressing the re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Central basin hypoxia
D Scavia, JD Allan, KK Arend, S Bartell, D Beletsky, NS Bosch, SB Brandt, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (2), 226-246, 2014
Mean circulation in the Great Lakes
D Beletsky, JH Saylor, DJ Schwab
Journal of Great Lakes Research 25 (1), 78-93, 1999
Massive microbiological groundwater contamination associated with a waterborne outbreak in Lake Erie, South Bass Island, Ohio
TT Fong, LS Mansfield, DL Wilson, DJ Schwab, SL Molloy, JB Rose
Environmental health perspectives 115 (6), 856-864, 2007
Modeling circulation and thermal structure in Lake Michigan: Annual cycle and interannual variability
D Beletsky, DJ Schwab
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C9), 19745-19771, 2001
Transport and mixing between the coastal and offshore waters in the Great Lakes: a review
YR Rao, DJ Schwab
Journal of Great Lakes Research 33 (1), 202-218, 2007
Seasonal and interannual effects of hypoxia on fish habitat quality in central Lake Erie
KK Arend, D Beletsky, JV DePINTO, SA Ludsin, JJ Roberts, DK Rucinski, ...
Freshwater Biology 56 (2), 366-383, 2011
Modeling the transport and inactivation of E. coli and enterococci in the near-shore region of Lake Michigan
L Liu, MS Phanikumar, SL Molloy, RL Whitman, DA Shively, MB Nevers, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (16), 5022-5028, 2006
Application of a simple numerical wave prediction model to Lake Erie
DJ Schwab, JR Bennett, PC Liu, MA Donelan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 89 (C3), 3586-3592, 1984
A model of sediment resuspension and transport dynamics in southern Lake Michigan
J Lou, DJ Schwab, D Beletsky, N Hawley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C3), 6591-6610, 2000
A model study of the coupled biological and physical dynamics in Lake Michigan
C Chen, R Ji, DJ Schwab, D Beletsky, GL Fahnenstiel, M Jiang, ...
Ecological modelling 152 (2-3), 145-168, 2002
Evolution of a cyanobacterial bloom forecast system in western Lake Erie: Development and initial evaluation
TT Wynne, RP Stumpf, MC Tomlinson, GL Fahnenstiel, J Dyble, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 39, 90-99, 2013
Initial implementation of the great lakes forecasting system: A real-time system for predicting lake circulation and thermal structure
DJ Schwab, KW Bedford
Water Quality Research Journal 29 (2-3), 203-220, 1994
Lake Erie hypoxia prompts Canada‐US study
N Hawley, TH Johengen, YR Rao, SA Ruberg, D Beletsky, SA Ludsin, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 87 (32), 313-319, 2006
Biophysical model of larval yellow perch advection and settlement in Lake Michigan
D Beletsky, DM Mason, DJ Schwab, ES Rutherford, J Janssen, DF Clapp, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 33 (4), 842-866, 2007
Modeling the 1998–2003 summer circulation and thermal structure in Lake Michigan
D Beletsky, D Schwab, M McCormick
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C10), 2006
Modeling 1993–2008 climatology of seasonal general circulation and thermal structure in the Great Lakes using FVCOM
X Bai, J Wang, DJ Schwab, Y Yang, L Luo, GA Leshkevich, S Liu
Ocean Modelling 65, 40-63, 2013
Classifying and forecasting coastal upwellings in Lake Michigan using satellite derived temperature images and buoy data
S Plattner, DM Mason, GA Leshkevich, DJ Schwab, ES Rutherford
Journal of Great Lakes Research 32 (1), 63-76, 2006
Two dimensional normal modes in arbitrary enclosed basins on a rotating earth: application to lakes ontario and superiror
DB Rao, DJ Schwab
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1976
Automated mapping of surface water temperature in the Great Lakes
DJ Schwab, GA Leshkevich, GC Muhr
Journal of Great Lakes Research 25 (3), 468-481, 1999
Numerical simulation of internal Kelvin waves and coastal upwelling fronts
D Beletsky, WP O’Connor, DJ Schwab, DE Dietrich
Journal of Physical oceanography 27 (7), 1197-1215, 1997
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Articles 1–20