Geographic distance and pH drive bacterial distribution in alkaline lake sediments across Tibetan Plateau J Xiong, Y Liu, X Lin, H Zhang, J Zeng, J Hou, Y Yang, T Yao, R Knight, ... Environmental microbiology 14 (9), 2457-2466, 2012 | 621 | 2012 |
Cyclic rapid warming on centennial‐scale revealed by a 2650‐year stalagmite record of warm season temperature M Tan, T Liu, J Hou, X Qin, H Zhang, T Li Geophysical Research Letters 30 (12), 2003 | 477 | 2003 |
Can sedimentary leaf waxes record D/H ratios of continental precipitation? Field, model, and experimental assessments J Hou, WJ D’Andrea, Y Huang Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (14), 3503-3517, 2008 | 342 | 2008 |
Climate change, vegetation history, and landscape responses on the Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene: A comprehensive review F Chen, J Zhang, J Liu, X Cao, J Hou, L Zhu, X Xu, X Liu, M Wang, D Wu, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 243, 106444, 2020 | 276 | 2020 |
Hydrogen isotopic variability in leaf waxes among terrestrial and aquatic plants around Blood Pond, Massachusetts (USA) J Hou, WJ D’Andrea, D MacDonald, Y Huang Organic Geochemistry 38 (6), 977-984, 2007 | 275 | 2007 |
The influence of 14C reservoir age on interpretation of paleolimnological records from the Tibetan Plateau J Hou, WJ D'Andrea, Z Liu Quaternary Science Reviews 48, 67-79, 2012 | 268 | 2012 |
Large Holocene summer temperature oscillations and impact on the peopling of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau J Hou, Y Huang, J Zhao, Z Liu, S Colman, Z An Geophysical Research Letters 43 (3), 1323-1330, 2016 | 210 | 2016 |
Atmospheric mercury depositional chronology reconstructed from lake sediments and ice core in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau S Kang, J Huang, F Wang, Q Zhang, Y Zhang, C Li, L Wang, P Chen, ... Environmental science & technology 50 (6), 2859-2869, 2016 | 163 | 2016 |
Influence of the Indian monsoon and the subtropical jet on climate change on the Tibetan Plateau since the late Pleistocene J Hou, WJ D'Andrea, M Wang, Y He, J Liang Quaternary Science Reviews 163, 84-94, 2017 | 147 | 2017 |
Mathematical modeling of the aquatic macrophyte inputs of mid-chain n-alkyl lipids to lake sediments: Implications for interpreting compound specific hydrogen isotopic records L Gao, J Hou, J Toney, D MacDonald, Y Huang Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (13), 3781-3791, 2011 | 146 | 2011 |
Responses of trophic structure and zooplankton community to salinity and temperature in Tibetan lakes: Implication for the effect of climate warming Q Lin, L Xu, J Hou, Z Liu, E Jeppesen, BP Han Water Research 124, 618-629, 2017 | 134 | 2017 |
Major advances in studies of the physical geography and living environment of China during the past 70 years and future prospects F Chen, B Fu, J Xia, D Wu, S Wu, Y Zhang, H Sun, Y Liu, X Fang, B Qin, ... Science China Earth Sciences 62, 1665-1701, 2019 | 114 | 2019 |
Distribution of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in surface soils of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau: implications of brGDGTs-based proxies in cold and dry regions S Ding, Y Xu, Y Wang, Y He, J Hou, L Chen, JS He Biogeosciences 12 (11), 3141-3151, 2015 | 113 | 2015 |
Evidence for water use efficiency as an important factor in determining the δD values of tree leaf waxes J Hou, WJ D’Andrea, D MacDonald, Y Huang Organic Geochemistry 38 (8), 1251-1255, 2007 | 85 | 2007 |
Postglacial climate reconstruction based on compound‐specific D/H ratios of fatty acids from Blood Pond, New England J Hou, Y Huang, Y Wang, B Shuman, WW Oswald, E Faison, DR Foster Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (3), 2006 | 84 | 2006 |
Salinity drives archaeal distribution patterns in high altitude lake sediments on the Tibetan Plateau Y Liu, JC Priscu, J Xiong, R Conrad, T Vick-Majors, H Chu, J Hou FEMS microbiology ecology 92 (3), fiw033, 2016 | 78 | 2016 |
Holocene climatic and environmental change on the western Tibetan Plateau revealed by glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers and leaf wax deuterium-to-hydrogen ratios at Aweng Co X Li, M Wang, Y Zhang, L Lei, J Hou Quaternary Research 87 (3), 455-467, 2017 | 65 | 2017 |
Classification of Tibetan lakes based on variations in seasonal lake water temperature M Wang, J Hou, Y Lei Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 4847-4855, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Global calibration of a novel, branched GDGT-based soil pH proxy W Xiao, Y Xu, S Ding, Y Wang, X Zhang, H Yang, G Wang, J Hou Organic Geochemistry 89, 56-60, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
Stable isotope records of plant cover change and monsoon variation in the past 2200 years: evidence from laminated stalagmites in Beijing, China JZ Hou, M Tan, HAI Cheng, TS Liu Boreas 32 (2), 304-313, 2003 | 62 | 2003 |