Serguei Nechaev
Serguei Nechaev
LPTMS, CNRS-Universite Paris Sud, Orsay, France
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The role of topological constraints in the kinetics of collapse of macromolecules
AY Grosberg, SK Nechaev, EI Shakhnovich
Journal de physique 49 (12), 2095-2100, 1988
Polymer chain in an array of obstacles
AR Khokhlov, SK Nechaev
Physics Letters A 112 (3-4), 156-160, 1985
Anisotropic ballistic deposition model with links to the Ulam problem and the Tracy-Widom distribution
SN Majumdar, S Nechaev
Physical Review E 69 (1), 011103, 2004
How long does it take to pull an ideal polymer into a small hole?
AY Grosberg, S Nechaev, M Tamm, O Vasilyev
Physical review letters 96 (22), 228105, 2006
Effects of topological constraints on globular polymers
MV Imakaev, KM Tchourine, SK Nechaev, LA Mirny
Soft matter 11 (4), 665-671, 2015
Dynamics of a polymer chain in an array of obstacles
SK Nechaev, AN Semenov, MK Koleva
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 140 (3), 506-520, 1987
Exact asymptotic results for the Bernoulli matching model of sequence alignment
SN Majumdar, S Nechaev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2 …, 2005
Statistics of knots and entangled random walks
SK Nechaev
World Scientific, 1996
Statistical Properties of Locally Free Groups¶ with Applications to Braid Groups¶ and Growth of Random Heaps
AM Vershik, S Nechaev, R Bikbov
Communications in Mathematical Physics 212, 469-501, 2000
Polymer topology
A Grosberg, S Nechaev
Polymer Characteristics, 1-29, 2005
Order and stochasticity in the folding of individual Drosophila genomes
SV Ulianov, VV Zakharova, AA Galitsyna, PI Kos, KE Polovnikov, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 41, 2021
On the plant leaf's boundary,jupe ą godets' and conformal embeddings
S Nechaev, R Voituriez
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (49), 11069, 2001
Random walks on braid groups: Brownian bridges, complexity and statistics
SK Nechaev, AY Grosberg, AM Vershik
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (10), 2411, 1996
Phase transition in a heteropolymer chain at a selective interface
A Grosberg, S Izrailev, S Nechaev
Physical Review E 50 (3), 1912, 1994
Topological constraints in polymer network strong collapse
AY Grosberg, SK Nechaev
Macromolecules 24 (10), 2789-2793, 1991
Algebraic invariants of knots and disordered Potts model
A Grosberg, S Nechaev
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (17), 4659, 1992
Effective Hamiltonian of topologically stabilized polymer states
K Polovnikov, S Nechaev, MV Tamm
Soft matter 14 (31), 6561-6570, 2018
The role of topological limitations in the kinetics of homopolymer collapse and self-assembly of biopolymers
G AIu, SK Nechaev, EI Shakhnovich
Biofizika 33 (2), 247-253, 1988
A statistical model of intra-chromosome contact maps
LI Nazarov, MV Tamm, VA Avetisov, SK Nechaev
Soft matter 11 (5), 1019-1025, 2015
Eigenvalue tunneling and decay of quenched random network
V Avetisov, M Hovhannisyan, A Gorsky, S Nechaev, M Tamm, O Valba
Physical Review E 94 (6), 062313, 2016
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Articles 1–20