Adel Belouchrani
Adel Belouchrani
Full Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Algiers, ALGERIA
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A blind source separation technique using second-order statistics
A Belouchrani, K Abed-Meraim, JF Cardoso, E Moulines
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 45 (2), 434-444, 1997
Blind source separation based on time-frequency signal representations
A Belouchrani, MG Amin
IEEE transactions on signal processing 46 (11), 2888-2897, 1998
Fault diagnosis in industrial induction machines through discrete wavelet transform
A Bouzida, O Touhami, R Ibtiouen, A Belouchrani, M Fadel, A Rezzoug
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (9), 4385-4395, 2010
QRS detection based on wavelet coefficients
Z Zidelmal, A Amirou, M Adnane, A Belouchrani
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 107 (3), 490-496, 2012
Time-frequency MUSIC
A Belouchrani, MG Amin
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 6 (5), 109-110, 1999
Second-order blind separation of temporally correlated sources
A Belouchrani, K Abed-Meraim, JF Cardoso, E Moulines
Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Signal Processing, 346-351, 1993
Robust whitening procedure in blind source separation context
A Belouchrani, A Cichocki
Electronics letters 36 (24), 2050-2051, 2000
Underdetermined blind separation of nondisjoint sources in the time-frequency domain
A Aissa-El-Bey, N Linh-Trung, K Abed-Meraim, A Belouchrani, Y Grenier
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (3), 897-907, 2007
Maximum likelihood sources separation for discrete sources
A Belouchrani
Signal Processing VII, Theories and Applications, 768-771, 1994
Separating more sources than sensors using time-frequency distributions
N Linh-Trung, A Belouchrani, K Abed-Meraim, B Boashash
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2005, 1-20, 2005
A contribution in the actualization of wind map of Algeria
F Chellali, A Khellaf, A Belouchrani, A Recioui
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2), 993-1002, 2011
Second order nonstationary source separation
S Choi, A Cichocki, A Belouchrani
The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 32 (1), 93-104, 2002
Direction finding in correlated noise fields based on joint block-diagonalization of spatio-temporal correlation matrices
A Belouchrani, MG Amin, K Abed-Meraim
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 4 (9), 266-268, 1997
Maximum likelihood source separation by the expectation-maximization technique: Deterministic and stochastic implementation
A Belouchrani, JF Cardoso
Proc. Nolta 95, 49-53, 1995
Joint anti-diagonalization for blind source separation
A Belouchrani, K Abed-Meraim, MG Amin, AM Zoubir
2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2001
Separating more sources than sensors using time-frequency distributions
LT Nguyen, A Belouchrani, K Abed-Meraim, B Boashash
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Signal Processing and …, 2001
Source separation and localization using time-frequency distributions: An overview
A Belouchrani, MG Amin, N Thirion-Moreau, YD Zhang
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 (6), 97-107, 2013
Second-order near-field source localization: algorithm and performance analysis
K Abed-Meraim, Y Hua, A Belouchrani
Conference Record of the Thirtieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems …, 1996
A comparison between wind speed distributions derived from the maximum entropy principle and Weibull distribution. Case of study; six regions of Algeria
F Chellali, A Khellaf, A Belouchrani, R Khanniche
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (1), 379-385, 2012
Time-frequency distributions based on compact support kernels: properties and performance evaluation
M Abed, A Belouchrani, M Cheriet, B Boashash
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (6), 2814-2827, 2012
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Articles 1–20