Johan Guzman
Johan Guzman
Profesor Asociado Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica Universidad del Bío Bío
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Selective harmonic elimination and current/voltage control in current/voltage-source topologies: A unified approach
JR Espinoza, G Joós, JI Guzmán, LA Morán, RP Burgos
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 48 (1), 71-81, 2001
Selective harmonic elimination in multimodule three-phase current-source converters
JI Guzmán, JR Espinoza, LA Moran, G Joos
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 25 (1), 44-53, 2009
Digital implementation of selective harmonic elimination techniques in modular current source rectifiers
JI Guzman, PE Melin, JR Espinoza, LA Moran, CR Baier, JA Munoz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9 (2), 1167-1177, 2012
Decoupled and modular harmonic compensation for multilevel STATCOMs
JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, LA Morán, JI Guzmán, VM Cárdenas
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (6), 2743-2753, 2013
Performance evaluation of a multicell topology implemented with single-phase nonregenerative cells under unbalanced supply voltages
CR Baier, JI Guzmán, JR Espinoza, MA Pérez, JR Rodríguez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (6), 2969-2978, 2007
Finite-state model predictive control with integral action applied to a single-phase Z-source inverter
RO Ramírez, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, M Rivera, F Villarroel, JI Guzman, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (1), 228-239, 2018
Analysis and design of a control strategy for tracking sinusoidal references in single-phase grid-connected current-source inverters
CR Baier, MA Torres, P Acuna, JA Muñoz, PE Melín, C Restrepo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (1), 819-832, 2018
Current control of the coupled-inductor buck–boost DC–DC switching converter using a model predictive control approach
C Restrepo, G Garcia, F Flores-Bahamonde, D Murillo-Yarce, JI Guzman, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (4 …, 2020
A novel multi-level converter based on current source power cell
PE Melin, JR Espinoza, NR Zargari, LA Moran, JI Guzman
2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2084-2089, 2008
Multi-level three-phase current source inverter based AC drive for high performance applications
JR Espinoza, LA Morán, JI Guzmán
2005 IEEE 36th Power Electronics specialists conference, 2553-2559, 2005
Current-source cascaded multilevel converters based on single-phase power cells
CR Baier, PE Melin, JI Guzman, M Rivera, JA Munoz, J Rothen, ...
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Analysis and control strategy for a current-source based D-STATCOM towards minimum losses
PE Melin, JI Guzman, FA Hernandez, CR Baier, JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 116, 105532, 2020
A novel multi-level topology based on current source power cells for high performance applications
CR Baier, PE Melín, JR Espinoza, J Muñoz, JI Guzmán
2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 1333-1338, 2010
Modeling issues in three-phase current source rectifiers that use damping resistors
PE Melín, JR Espinoza, NR Zargari, MA Sanchez, JI Guzmán
2006 IEEE international symposium on industrial electronics 2, 1247-1252, 2006
Analysis and design of a Cascaded H-Bridge topology based on current-source inverters
P Melín, J Espinoza, J Guzman, M Rivera, E Espinosa, J Rothen
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Switching losses analysis of an asymmetric multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter
J Muñoz, C Baier, J Espinoza, M Rivera, J Guzmán, J Rohten
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Improvement issues on the input filter design for PWM-CSR that are SHE modulated
JI Guzman, JR Espinoza
2005 IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 474-480, 2005
A new modulation technique for 15-level asymmetric inverter operating with minimum THD
E Espinosa, J Espinoza, R Ramirez, J Rohten, F Villarroel, P Melin, ...
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on current source converters for harmonic mitigation using a decoupled control strategy
PE Melín, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, JI Guzman, EE Espinosa
IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2011
Selective harmonic elimination for a 27-level asymmetric multilevel converter
J Muñoz, I Torres, J Guzmán, C Baier, P Melín, J Rohten, J Espinoza, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2017
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Articles 1–20