Eden Rephaeli
Cited by
Cited by
Passive radiative cooling below ambient air temperature under direct sunlight
AP Raman, MA Anoma, L Zhu, E Rephaeli, S Fan
Nature 515 (7528), 540-544, 2014
Ultrabroadband photonic structures to achieve high-performance daytime radiative cooling
E Rephaeli, A Raman, S Fan
Nano letters 13 (4), 1457-1461, 2013
Absorber and emitter for solar thermophotovoltaic systems to achieve efficiency exceeding the Shockley-Queisser limit
E Rephaeli, S Fan
Opt. Express 17 (17), 15145-15159, 2009
Controlled dissection of biological tissue
JK Barral, BK Yaffe, E Rephaeli, CJ Wang, B Hannaford
US Patent 9,833,254, 2017
Tungsten black absorber for solar light with wide angular operation range
E Rephaeli, S Fan
Applied Physics Letters 92, 211107, 2008
Biophotonic surgical probe
BE Hannaford, E Rephaeli, JK Barral, CD Ching
US Patent 10,092,355, 2018
Stimulated emission from a single excited atom in a waveguide
E Rephaeli, S Fan
Physical Review Letters, 2012
Heads-up displays for augmented reality network in a medical environment
B Hannaford, JK Barral, E Rephaeli, CD Ching, VS Bajaj
US Patent 9,538,962, 2017
Few-photon transport in a waveguide coupled to a pair of colocated two-level atoms
E Rephaeli, ŞE Kocabaş, S Fan
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 063832, 2011
Full inversion of a two-level atom with a single-photon pulse in one-dimensional geometries
E Rephaeli, JT Shen, S Fan
PHYSICAL REVIEW A Phys Rev A 82, 033804, 2010
Analytic properties of two-photon scattering matrix in integrated quantum systems determined by the cluster decomposition principle
S Xu, E Rephaeli, S Fan
Physical review letters 111 (22), 223602, 2013
Systems and methods for surface topography acquisition using laser speckle
E Rephaeli, DP Piponi
US Patent 10,375,330, 2019
System and method for multiclass classification of images using a programmable light source
V Ganapati, E Rephaeli
US Patent 10,806,334, 2020
Few-photon single-atom cavity QED with input-output formalism in Fock space
E Rephaeli, S Fan
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18 (6), 1754-1762, 2012
Structures for radiative cooling
AP Raman, S Fan, E Rephaeli
US Patent 9,709,349, 2017
Radiative cooling with solar spectrum reflection
AP Raman, S Fan, E Rephaeli, L Zhu, M Anoma, E Goldstein
US Patent 10,088,251, 2018
Dissipation in few-photon waveguide transport
E Rephaeli, S Fan
Photonics Research 1 (3), 110-114, 2013
Resonance fluorescence in a waveguide geometry
ŞE Kocabaş, E Rephaeli, S Fan
Physical Review A 85 (2), 023817, 2012
Temperature dependence of surface phonon polaritons from a quartz grating
AK Hafeli, E Rephaeli, S Fan, DG Cahill, TE Tiwald
Journal of Applied Physics 110, 043517, 2011
Sensing and avoiding surgical equipment
B Hannaford, E Rephaeli, CJ Wang
US Patent 9,895,063, 2018
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Articles 1–20