Virginia D'Auria
Virginia D'Auria
Institut de Physique de Nice
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Quantum photonics at telecom wavelengths based on lithium niobate waveguides
O Alibart, V D’Auria, M De Micheli, F Doutre, F Kaiser, L Labonté, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (10), 104001, 2016
Full characterization of Gaussian bipartite entangled states by a single homodyne detector
V D’Auria, S Fornaro, A Porzio, S Solimeno, S Olivares, MGA Paris
Physical review letters 102 (2), 020502, 2009
A fully guided-wave squeezing experiment for fiber quantum networks
F Kaiser, B Fedrici, A Zavatta, V d’Auria, S Tanzilli
Optica 3 (4), 362-365, 2016
Silicon photonics interfaced with integrated electronics for 9 GHz measurement of squeezed light
JF Tasker, J Frazer, G Ferranti, EJ Allen, LF Brunel, S Tanzilli, V D’Auria, ...
Nature Photonics 15 (1), 11-15, 2021
Chip-based squeezing at a telecom wavelength
F Mondain, T Lunghi, A Zavatta, E Gouzien, F Doutre, M De Micheli, ...
Photonics Research 7 (7), A36-A39, 2019
Ultra‐fast heralded single photon source based on telecom technology
LA Ngah, O Alibart, L Labonté, V d'Auria, S Tanzilli
Laser & Photonics Reviews 9 (2), L1-L5, 2015
Witnessing trustworthy single-photon entanglement with local homodyne measurements
O Morin, JD Bancal, M Ho, P Sekatski, V D’Auria, N Gisin, J Laurat, ...
Physical review letters 110 (13), 130401, 2013
Quantum decoherence of single-photon counters
V d’Auria, N Lee, T Amri, C Fabre, J Laurat
Physical review letters 107 (5), 050504, 2011
Quantum characterization of bipartite Gaussian states
D Buono, G Nocerino, V D’Auria, A Porzio, S Olivares, MGA Paris
JOSA B 27 (6), A110-A118, 2010
High-fidelity single-photon source based on a Type II optical parametric oscillator
O Morin, V d’Auria, C Fabre, J Laurat
Optics letters 37 (17), 3738-3740, 2012
Characterization of bipartite states using a single homodyne detector
V D’Auria, A Porzio, S Solimeno, S Olivares, MGA Paris
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7 (12), S750, 2005
Experimental demonstration of frequency-degenerate bright EPR beams with a self-phase-locked OPO
G Keller, V d’Auria, N Treps, T Coudreau, J Laurat, C Fabre
Optics Express 16 (13), 9351-9356, 2008
Tomographic characterization of OPO sources close to threshold
V D’Auria, A Chiummo, MD Laurentis, A Porzio, S Solimeno, MGA Paris
Optics Express 13 (3), 948-956, 2005
Transmittivity measurements by means of squeezed vacuum light
V D'Auria, C de Lisio, A Porzio, S Solimeno, MGA Paris
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (5), 1187, 2006
Effective method to estimate multidimensional Gaussian states
J Řeháček, S Olivares, D Mogilevtsev, Z Hradil, MGA Paris, S Fornaro, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (3), 032111, 2009
Polarization entangled photon-pair source based on quantum nonlinear photonics and interferometry
F Kaiser, LA Ngah, A Issautier, T Delord, D Aktas, MP De Micheli, ...
Optics Communications 327, 7-16, 2014
Method and device for synchronizing entanglement sources for a quantum communication network
S Tanzilli, V D'auria, O Alibart, ACM Martin, L Labonte
US Patent 9,800,399, 2017
Non-Gaussian states produced by close-to-threshold optical parametric oscillators: role of classical and quantum fluctuations
V D’Auria, C de Lisio, A Porzio, S Solimeno, J Anwar, MGA Paris
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (3), 033846, 2010
Fine tuning of a triply resonant OPO for generating frequency degenerate CV entangled beams at low pump powers
V D’auria, S Fornaro, A Porzio, EA Sete, S Solimeno
Applied Physics B 91, 309-314, 2008
Effect of the heralding detector properties on the conditional generation of single-photon states
V d’Auria, O Morin, C Fabre, J Laurat
The European Physical Journal D 66, 1-7, 2012
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Articles 1–20