Sarmin Hamidi
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Cited by
Synthesis, experimental, quantum chemical and molecular dynamics study of carbon steel corrosion inhibition effect of two Schiff bases in HCl solution
S Shahabi, S Hamidi, JB Ghasemi, P Norouzi, A Shakeri
Journal of Molecular Liquids 285, 626-639, 2019
OPEM: Open source PEM cell simulation tool
S Haghighi, K Askari, S Hamidi, MM Rahimi
Journal of Open Source Software 3 (27), 676, 2018
Dataset of standard tests of Nafion 112 membrane and Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) activation tests of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell
S Hamidi, S Haghighi, K Askari
Thermally expanded graphite: a promising anode electrode in the current and next-generation LIBs
S Hamidi, K Askari, P Salimi
New Journal of Chemistry 47 (26), 12085-12088, 2023
Experimental dataset of electrochemical efficiency of a Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell (DBFC) with Pd/C, Pt/C and Pd decorated Ni–Co/rGO anode catalysts
S Hamidi, S Sabouri, S Haghighi, K Askari
opem 1.0
S Haghighi, K Askari, S Hamidi, MM Rahimi, OS Independent
opem 0.9
S Haghighi, K Askari, S Hamidi, MM Rahimi, OS Independent
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Articles 1–7