Sebastiano D'Amico
Sebastiano D'Amico
Department of Geosciences, University of Malta
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Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS): A review
P Olasolo, MC Juįrez, MP Morales, IA Liarte
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56, 133-144, 2016
The new Italian seismic hazard model (MPS19)
C Meletti, W Marzocchi, V D'amico, G Lanzano, L Luzi, F Martinelli, ...
Annals of Geophysics 64 (1), 2021
Seismic site response of unstable steep slope using noise measurements: the case study of Xemxija Bay area, Malta
F Panzera, S D'Amico, A Lotteri, P Galea, G Lombardo
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (11), 3421-3431, 2012
A large scale ambient vibration survey in the area damaged by May–June 2012 seismic sequence in Emilia Romagna, Italy
E Paolucci, D Albarello, S D’Amico, E Lunedei, L Martelli, M Mucciarelli, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13, 3187-3206, 2015
Testing the stability of moment tensor solutions for small earthquakes in the Calabro-Peloritan Arc region (southern Italy)
S D'Amico, B Orecchio, D Presti, A Gervasi, L Zhu, I Guerra, G Neri, ...
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 2011
Broadband waveform inversion of moderate earthquakes in the Messina Straits, southern Italy
S D’Amico, B Orecchio, D Presti, L Zhu, RB Herrmann, G Neri
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 179 (3-4), 97-106, 2010
Site frequency response characterisation of the Maltese islands based on ambient noise H/V ratios
A Vella, P Galea, S D'Amico
Engineering geology 163, 89-100, 2013
Intrusive mechanisms at Mt. Etna forerunning the July-August 2001 eruption from seismic and ground deformation data
A Bonaccorso, S D’amico, M Mattia, D Patanč
pure and applied geophysics 161, 1469-1487, 2004
Inversion of surface wave data for subsurface shear wave velocity profiles characterized by a thick buried low-velocity layer
D Farrugia, E Paolucci, S D'Amico, P Galea
Geophysical Journal International 206 (2), 1221-1231, 2016
Dynamic characteristics of an active coastal spreading area using ambient noise measurements—Anchor Bay, Malta
P Galea, S D'Amico, D Farrugia
Geophysical Journal International 199 (2), 1166-1175, 2014
Imaging the rupture of the Mw 6.3 April 6, 2009 L'Aquila, Italy earthquake using back‐projection of teleseismic P‐waves
S D'Amico, KD Koper, RB Herrmann, A Akinci, L Malagnini
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (3), 2010
Probabilistic seismic hazard at Mt. Etna (Italy): the contribution of local fault activity in mid-term assessment
R Azzaro, S D'Amico, L Peruzza, T Tuvč
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 251, 158-169, 2013
Database Macrosismico Italiano (DBMI15), versione 3.0. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
M Locati, R Camassi, A Rovida, E Ercolani, F Bernardini, V Castelli, ...
WebGIS Implementation for dynamic mapping and visualization of coastal geospatial data: A case study of BESS project
G Randazzo, F Italiano, A Micallef, A Tomasello, FP Cassetti, A Zammit, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (17), 8233, 2021
Terremoti con effetti macrosismici in Sicilia orientale nel periodo Gennaio 2002-Dicembre 2005
R Azzaro, S D'amico, A Mostaccio, L Scarfģ, T Tuvč
Quaderni di Geofisica, 2006
Using unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry for digital geological surveys: Case study of Selmun promontory, northern of Malta
E Colica, S D’Amico, R Iannucci, S Martino, A Gauci, L Galone, P Galea, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 80, 1-14, 2021
Seismoacoustic measurements during the July–August 2001 eruption of Mt. Etna volcano, Italy
S Gresta, M Ripepe, E Marchetti, S D'amico, M Coltelli, AJL Harris, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 137 (1-3), 219-230, 2004
Speedy techniques to evaluate seismic site effects in particular geomorphologic conditions: Faults, cavities, landslides and topographic irregularities
F Panzera, G Lombardo, S D’Amico, P Galea
Engineering Seismology, Geotechnical and Structural Earthquake Engineering 1 …, 2013
Volcanic tremor at Mt. Etna, Italy, preceding and accompanying the eruption of July–August, 2001
S Falsaperla, S Alparone, S D’Amico, G Grazia, F Ferrari, H Langer, ...
pure and applied geophysics 162, 2111-2132, 2005
Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems
L Barucca, W Hering, SP Martin, E Bubelis, A Del Nevo, M Di Prinzio, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 179, 113096, 2022
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Articles 1–20