Sascha Wald
Sascha Wald
Assistant Professor in Quantum Physics, Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems, Coventry
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Entanglement and classical fluctuations at finite-temperature critical points
S Wald, R Arias, V Alba
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2020 (3), 033105, 2020
From classical to quantum walks with stochastic resetting on networks
S Wald, L Böttcher
Phys. Rev. E 103 (1), 012122, 2021
Lindblad dynamics of a quantum spherical spin
S Wald, M Henkel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (12), 125001, 2016
In- and out-of-equilibrium quantum metrology with mean-field quantum criticality
S Wald, SV Moreira, FL Semião
Physical Review E 101 (5), 052107, 2020
Quantum phase transition in the spin-anisotropic quantum spherical model
S Wald, M Henkel
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2015 (7), P07006, 2015
Lindblad dynamics of the quantum spherical model
S Wald, GT Landi, M Henkel
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2018 (1), 013103, 2018
Entanglement dynamics of a hard-core quantum gas during a Joule expansion
F Ares, S Scopa, S Wald
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 375301 (2022), 2022
On integral representations and asymptotics of some hypergeometric functions in two variables
S Wald, M Henkel
Integral Transforms and Special Functions 29 (2), 95-112, 2017
Axiomatic construction of quantum Langevin equations
R Araújo, S Wald, M Henkel
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 (5), 053101, 2019
Dynamical chaotic phases and constrained quantum dynamics
AM Timpanaro, S Wald, F Semião, GT Landi
Physical Review A 100 (1), 012117, 2019
Dynamical off-equilibrium scaling across magnetic first-order phase transitions
S Scopa, S Wald
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2018 (11), 113205, 2018
Active quantum flocks
R Khasseh, S Wald, R Moessner, CA Weber, M Heyl
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.01603, 2023
Energy barriers between metastable states in first-order quantum phase transitions
S Wald, AM Timpanaro, C Cormick, GT Landi
Physical Review A 97 (2), 023608, 2018
Non-equilibrium dynamics of the open quantum -model with non-Markovian noise: exact results
S Wald, M Henkel, A Gambassi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021 (10), 103105, 2021
Closure of the entanglement gap at quantum criticality: The case of the Quantum Spherical Model
S Wald, R Arias, V Alba
Phys. Rev. Research 2 (4), 043404, 2020
Coined quantum walks on the line: Disorder, entanglement and localization
LH Yao, S Wald
Phys. Rev. E 108 (2), 024139, 2023
Thermalisation and Relaxation of Quantum Systems
S Wald
Mathematical Characterization of Private and Public Immune Receptor Sequences
L Böttcher, S Wald, T Chou
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85 (10), 102, 2023
Stochastic representation of the quantum quartic oscillator
G Tucci, S De Nicola, S Wald, A Gambassi
SciPost Physics Core 6 (2), 029, 2023
Stochastic resetting in discrete-time quantum dynamics: steady states and correlations in few-qubit systems
S Wald, LH Yao, T Platini, C Hooley, F Carollo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.11497, 2024
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Articles 1–20