Matthew Jorde
Matthew Jorde
Software Engineer, Google
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Cited by
Cited by
What predicts software developers’ productivity?
E Murphy-Hill, C Jaspan, C Sadowski, D Shepherd, M Phillips, C Winter, ...
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (3), 582-594, 2019
Carving and replaying differential unit test cases from system test cases
S Elbaum, HN Chin, MB Dwyer, M Jorde
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 35 (1), 29-45, 2008
Advantages and disadvantages of a monolithic repository: a case study at google
C Jaspan, M Jorde, A Knight, C Sadowski, EK Smith, C Winter, ...
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Increasing test granularity by aggregating unit tests
M Jorde, S Elbaum, MB Dwyer
2008 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2008
Enabling the study of software development behavior with cross-tool logs
C Jaspan, M Jorde, C Egelman, C Green, B Holtz, E Smith, M Hodges, ...
IEEE Software 37 (6), 44-51, 2020
Do developers discover new tools on the toilet?
E Murphy-Hill, EK Smith, C Sadowski, C Jaspan, C Winter, M Jorde, ...
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2019
Engineering impacts of anonymous author code review: A field experiment
E Murphy-Hill, J Dicker, MM Hodges, CD Egelman, C Jaspan, L Cheng, ...
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 48 (7), 2495-2509, 2021
DUTs: Targeted Case Studies
HN Chin, S Elbaum, MB Dwyer, M Jorde
CSE Technical reports, 24, 2008
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Monolithic Codebase
C Jaspan, M Jorde, A Knight, C Sadowski, EK Smith, C Winter, ...
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Monolithic Repository
C Jaspan, M Jorde, A Knight, C Sadowski, EK Smith, C Winter, ...
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Articles 1–10