Torsten V. Zache
Torsten V. Zache
University of Innsbruck & IQOQI Austrian Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Observation of gauge invariance in a 71-site Bose–Hubbard quantum simulator
B Yang, H Sun, R Ott, HY Wang, TV Zache, JC Halimeh, ZS Yuan, ...
Nature 587 (7834), 392-396, 2020
A scalable realization of local U (1) gauge invariance in cold atomic mixtures
A Mil, TV Zache, A Hegde, A Xia, RP Bhatt, MK Oberthaler, P Hauke, ...
Science 367 (6482), 1128-1130, 2020
Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory
M Aidelsburger, L Barbiero, A Bermudez, T Chanda, A Dauphin, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380 (2216), 20210064, 2022
Hardware efficient quantum simulation of non-abelian gauge theories with qudits on Rydberg platforms
D González-Cuadra, TV Zache, J Carrasco, B Kraus, P Zoller
Physical Review Letters 129 (16), 160501, 2022
Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories using Wilson fermions
TV Zache, F Hebenstreit, F Jendrzejewski, MK Oberthaler, J Berges, ...
Quantum science and technology 3 (3), 034010, 2018
Dynamical Topological Transitions in the Massive Schwinger Model with a Term
TV Zache, N Mueller, JT Schneider, F Jendrzejewski, J Berges, P Hauke
Physical review letters 122 (5), 050403, 2019
Extracting the field theory description of a quantum many-body system from experimental data
TV Zache, T Schweigler, S Erne, J Schmiedmayer, J Berges
Physical Review X 10 (1), 011020, 2020
Non-Abelian gauge invariance from dynamical decoupling
V Kasper, TV Zache, F Jendrzejewski, M Lewenstein, E Zohar
Physical Review D 107 (1), 014506, 2023
Experimental extraction of the quantum effective action for a non-equilibrium many-body system
M Prüfer, TV Zache, P Kunkel, S Lannig, A Bonnin, H Strobel, J Berges, ...
Nature Physics 16 (10), 1012-1016, 2020
Quantum variational learning of the entanglement hamiltonian
C Kokail, B Sundar, TV Zache, A Elben, B Vermersch, M Dalmonte, ...
Physical review letters 127 (17), 170501, 2021
Thermalization of gauge theories from their entanglement spectrum
N Mueller, TV Zache, R Ott
Physical Review Letters 129 (1), 011601, 2022
Exploring large-scale entanglement in quantum simulation
MK Joshi, C Kokail, R van Bijnen, F Kranzl, TV Zache, R Blatt, CF Roos, ...
Nature 624 (7992), 539-544, 2023
Toward the continuum limit of a quantum link Schwinger model
TV Zache, M Van Damme, JC Halimeh, P Hauke, D Banerjee
Physical Review D 106 (9), L091502, 2022
Fermion-qudit quantum processors for simulating lattice gauge theories with matter
TV Zache, D González-Cuadra, P Zoller
Quantum 7, 1140, 2023
Experimental measurement of out-of-time-ordered correlators at finite temperature
AM Green, A Elben, CH Alderete, LK Joshi, NH Nguyen, TV Zache, Y Zhu, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (14), 140601, 2022
Fermionic quantum processing with programmable neutral atom arrays
D González-Cuadra, D Bluvstein, M Kalinowski, R Kaubruegger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (35), e2304294120, 2023
Quantum and Classical Spin-Network Algorithms for -Deformed Kogut-Susskind Gauge Theories
TV Zache, D González-Cuadra, P Zoller
Physical Review Letters 131 (17), 171902, 2023
Scalable cold-atom quantum simulator for two-dimensional QED
R Ott, TV Zache, F Jendrzejewski, J Berges
Physical Review Letters 127 (13), 130504, 2021
Entanglement Spectroscopy and probing the Li-Haldane Conjecture in Topological Quantum Matter
TV Zache, C Kokail, B Sundar, P Zoller
Quantum 6, 702, 2022
Dynamical quantum phase transitions in spin- quantum link models
M Van Damme, TV Zache, D Banerjee, P Hauke, JC Halimeh
Physical Review B 106 (24), 245110, 2022
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Articles 1–20