Blandina Felipe Viana; Blande Viana; Blandina F Viana
Blandina Felipe Viana; Blande Viana; Blandina F Viana
Professor de Ecologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia
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Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey bee abundance
LA Garibaldi, I Steffan-Dewenter, R Winfree, MA Aizen, R Bommarco, ...
science 339 (6127), 1608-1611, 2013
Landscape effects on crop pollination services: are there general patterns?
TH Ricketts, J Regetz, I Steffan‐Dewenter, SA Cunningham, C Kremen, ...
Ecology letters 11 (5), 499-515, 2008
A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on wild bee pollinators in agroecosystems
CM Kennedy, E Lonsdorf, MC Neel, NM Williams, TH Ricketts, R Winfree, ...
Ecology letters 16 (5), 584-599, 2013
Stability of pollination services decreases with isolation from natural areas despite honey bee visits
LA Garibaldi, I Steffan‐Dewenter, C Kremen, JM Morales, R Bommarco, ...
Ecology letters 14 (10), 1062-1072, 2011
Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination
R Rader, I Bartomeus, LA Garibaldi, MPD Garratt, BG Howlett, R Winfree, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (1), 146-151, 2016
Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation
D Kleijn, R Winfree, I Bartomeus, LG Carvalheiro, M Henry, R Isaacs, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7414, 2015
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production
M Dainese, EA Martin, MA Aizen, M Albrecht, I Bartomeus, R Bommarco, ...
Science advances 5 (10), eaax0121, 2019
Mutually beneficial pollinator diversity and crop yield outcomes in small and large farms
LA Garibaldi, LG Carvalheiro, BE Vaissière, B Gemmill-Herren, J Hipólito, ...
Science 351 (6271), 388-391, 2016
Summary for policymakers of the assessment report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services on pollinators, pollination and food …
SG Potts, V Imperatriz Fonseca, HT Ngo, JC Biesmeijer, TD Breeze, ...
Intergovernmental SciencePolicy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2016
Ten policies for pollinators
LV Dicks, B Viana, R Bommarco, B Brosi, MC Arizmendi, SA Cunningham, ...
Science 354 (6315), 975-976, 2016
EDITOR'S CHOICE: REVIEW: Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity
LA Garibaldi, I Bartomeus, R Bommarco, AM Klein, SA Cunningham, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (6), 1436-1444, 2015
Pollination ecosystem services: A comprehensive review of economic values, research funding and policy actions
RG Porto, RF De Almeida, O Cruz-Neto, M Tabarelli, BF Viana, CA Peres, ...
Food Security 12 (6), 1425-1442, 2020
The global decline of pollination services
PG Kevan, BF Viana
Biodiversity 4 (4), 3-8, 2003
Spatial heterogeneity regulates plant-pollinator networks across multiple landscape scales
EF Moreira, D Boscolo, BF Viana
PloS one 10 (4), e0123628, 2015
Indirect effects of habitat loss via habitat fragmentation: A cross-taxa analysis of forest-dependent species
T Püttker, R Crouzeilles, M Almeida-Gomes, M Schmoeller, D Maurenza, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108368, 2020
What do we know about the effects of landscape changes on plant–pollinator interaction networks?
PA Ferreira, D Boscolo, BF Viana
Ecological Indicators 31, 35-40, 2013
Landscape and crop management strategies to conserve pollination services and increase yields in tropical coffee farms
J Hipólito, D Boscolo, BF Viana
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 256, 218-225, 2018
Responses of bees to habitat loss in fragmented landscapes of Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest
PA Ferreira, D Boscolo, LG Carvalheiro, JC Biesmeijer, PLB Rocha, ...
Landscape ecology 30, 2067-2078, 2015
How well do we understand landscape effects on pollinators and pollination services?
BF Viana, D Boscolo, L Lopes, A Lopes, P Fereira, CM Pigozzo, L Primo
Journal of Pollination Ecology 7, 2012
Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation. Nat. Commun. 6, 7414
D Kleijn, R Winfree, I Bartomeus, LG Carvalheiro, M Henry, R Isaacs, ...
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